How To Sock Curl Your Hair

How To Sock Curl Your Hair - Hey girl, have you ever heard of sock curls? This cheap and easy technique is perfect for getting long and luscious curls without spending hours in front of the mirror. And the best part? All you need are some socks and a little bit of time. So if you're looking to switch up your hair game and try something new, keep reading to find out how to get the perfect sock curls.

What Are Sock Curls?

The Basics

First things first, let's break down what sock curls actually are. Essentially, it's a heatless way to curl your hair using just a pair of socks. You simply wrap your hair around the sock and leave it overnight (or for a few hours) to set. When you take them out, you'll be left with bouncy, voluminous curls that look like you just spent hours with a curling iron.

Sock curls

Why Use Sock Curls?

There are a few reasons why sock curls are becoming more and more popular. For starters, they're incredibly easy and cheap to do. All you need are some socks (which you likely have lying around) and a bit of time to let the curls set. Additionally, since they're heatless, they're much better for your hair than using hot tools, which can cause damage, breakage, and split ends. So if you're looking for a way to achieve curly hair without the harsh effects of hot tools, sock curls are definitely worth a try.

How To Create Sock Curls


Before we dive into the steps, let's make sure you have everything you need. For this DIY hair hack, you'll need:

  • 1 or 2 pairs of socks (depending on how much hair you have)
  • Hairspray
  • Bobby pins

The Steps

Now that you've got your materials, let's get started.

  1. Start with clean, damp hair. You can either wash your hair beforehand, or wet it with a spray bottle.
  2. Part your hair into sections. The number of sections will depend on how much hair you have, but aim for at least 4.
  3. Starting with one section, take a sock and roll it into a donut shape. Place the sock at the end of your hair, and roll it up towards your scalp, tucking in the ends as you go. The tighter you roll, the tighter your curls will be.
  4. Secure the sock in place with bobby pins. Repeat with the rest of your sections.
  5. Sleep with the socks in overnight, or wait at least 3-4 hours for the curls to set.
  6. Gently remove the socks and use your fingers to separate and fluff up the curls.
  7. Finish with a spritz of hairspray to hold the curls in place.
Sock Bun Curls

Tips and Tricks

Getting perfect sock curls can take a bit of practice, so here are some tips to help you out:

  • For tighter curls, wrap your hair around smaller socks. For looser waves, use bigger socks.
  • Make sure your hair is fully dry before you take out the socks to avoid any frizz or flyaways.
  • If you want the curls to last even longer, try wrapping your hair around the sock in a figure-eight pattern. This will create a more defined curl.
  • Experiment with the placement of the curls. You can create a more natural look by curling your hair away from your face.
  • Don't forget to hairspray! This will help lock in the curls and keep them looking bouncy all day.

Final Thoughts

Overall, sock curls are a quick and easy way to get beautiful curls without damaging your hair. Whether you're trying to save time in the morning or want to give your hair a break from heat tools, sock curls are definitely worth a try. So grab some socks, get rolling, and enjoy your new hairdo!

Wet Curly Hair Overnight

PS: If you want to take it up a notch, try using wet hair instead of damp hair. This will give you even more defined curls, and you won't have to worry about them falling out as the day goes on.

Curl Your Hair With Socks

PPS: Need a visual? Check out this tutorial on how to curl your hair with socks:

Mistress of Socks

PPPSS: And lastly, for those of you who need a little extra guidance, fear not - the Mistress of Socks is here to help. She's got all the tips and tricks you need to get perfect sock curls every time. Happy rolling!

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