What Causes Hair To Be Frizzy

What Causes Hair To Be Frizzy - Do you struggle with frizzy hair that won't seem to behave no matter what you do? You're not alone! Frizzy hair is a common frustration for many people, and it can be caused by a variety of factors, from humidity and weather conditions to the products you use on your hair. In this post, we'll explore the top causes of frizzy hair and share some tips and tricks to help you keep your locks smooth and sleek.

1. Humidity

How it causes frizzy hair:

Humidity may be one of the most common culprits of hair frizz. When your hair is exposed to high humidity, the moisture in the air can penetrate the hair shaft and cause it to swell. This swelling can make the hair shaft rough, leading to frizz and a lack of shine.

woman with frizzy hair

How to combat it:

If you're dealing with humidity-induced frizz, try using a frizz-fighting serum or oil to help smooth the hair shaft and prevent moisture from penetrating it. You can also consider using a leave-in conditioner to help lock in moisture and keep your hair hydrated.

2. Over-styling

How it causes frizzy hair:

Over-styling your hair can also contribute to frizz. Using heat tools like blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons can dry out your hair and make it more prone to frizz. Additionally, using too many products or styling too frequently can create a build-up on your hair, which can lead to frizz and a lack of shine.

woman blow drying hair

How to combat it:

To avoid over-styling your hair, try alternating between heat styling and heat-free styling options. You can also use a heat protectant spray before using any heat tools. To avoid product build-up, try using a clarifying shampoo once a week to help remove any residue on your hair.

3. Genetics

How it causes frizzy hair:

Some people are just more predisposed to frizz than others due to their genetics. If your hair is naturally curly, coarse, or thick, you may be more prone to frizz and flyaways.

woman with natural curly hair

How to combat it:

While you can't change your genetics, you can work with them to minimize frizz. Consider embracing your natural texture and using products specifically formulated for curly, coarse, or thick hair. You can also try using a microfiber towel or T-shirt to dry your hair instead of a regular towel, which can help minimize frizz.

4. Lack of moisture

How it causes frizzy hair:

If your hair is lacking moisture, it can become dry, brittle, and prone to frizz. This is especially true if you have naturally curly hair, which is naturally more dry and porous than straight hair.

woman applying hair oil

How to combat it:

To combat frizz caused by a lack of moisture, consider using a hydrating shampoo and conditioner, and use a deep conditioning treatment once a week to nourish your hair. You can also use a hair oil or serum to help seal in moisture and reduce frizz.

5. Environmental factors

How it causes frizzy hair:

Environmental factors like pollution, wind, and sun exposure can also contribute to frizz. These elements can dry out your hair and make it more prone to frizz and flyaways.

woman shielding hair from sun

How to combat it:

To protect your hair from environmental factors, consider wearing a hat or scarf, especially if you're spending time outdoors. You can also use a leave-in conditioner or protective styling product with UV protection to help shield your hair from the sun's harmful rays.

6. Chemical treatments

How it causes frizzy hair:

Chemical treatments like coloring, perming, and relaxing can also contribute to frizz. These treatments can weaken the hair shaft and make it more susceptible to damage and breakage.

woman getting hair color

How to combat it:

If you're concerned about chemical treatments making your hair more prone to frizz, consider taking a break from these treatments or spacing them out to give your hair time to recover. You can also use a deep conditioning treatment or hair mask to help nourish and strengthen your hair after a chemical treatment.

7. Sleeping on cotton pillowcases

How it causes frizzy hair:

Sleeping on a cotton pillowcase can create friction between your hair and the pillowcase, which can lead to frizz and tangles. Additionally, cotton pillowcases can absorb moisture from your hair, which can leave it dry and prone to frizz.

woman sleeping on silk pillowcase

How to combat it:

To protect your hair while you sleep, consider switching to a silk or satin pillowcase, which is gentler on your hair and won't absorb moisture like cotton does. You can also try sleeping with your hair in a loose braid or bun to help prevent tangles and friction.

8. Using the wrong hair products

How it causes frizzy hair:

Using the wrong hair products for your hair type or texture can also contribute to frizz. For example, using a heavy styling product on fine hair can weigh it down and make it look limp, while using a lightweight product on thick, coarse hair may not provide enough hold or hydration.

woman using hair styling products

How to combat it:

To find the right hair products for your hair type and texture, consider consulting with a hairstylist or doing some research online. Look for products that are specifically formulated for your hair type, and avoid using too many different products at once, which can create a build-up on your hair and lead to frizz.


Frizzy hair can be frustrating, but with the right care and attention, you can keep your locks looking smooth and sleek. Whether you're dealing with humidity, genetics, or over-styling, there are plenty of tips and tricks you can use to combat frizz and keep your hair looking its best. So embrace your natural texture, find the right products for your hair type, and enjoy your beautiful, frizz-free hair!

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