How To Remove Hair Dye From Hand

So, you tried to color your hair at home and things didn't quite go as planned. Now you're left with hair dye stains all over your walls, skin, and fingers - not a good look! But fear not, my fellow funny people, because I've compiled a list of tips and tricks to help you remove hair dye from hand and other surfaces.

How to Remove Hair Dye from Walls?

Method 1: Use Baking Soda and Water

Removing hair dye from walls

Let's start with the walls - the last thing you want is a colorful reminder of your DIY hair dye mishap staring back at you every day. For this method, all you need is some baking soda and water. Simply mix the two together to create a paste, apply it to the stain, and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, use a damp cloth to wipe away the mixture and the stain should be gone.

Method 2: Try a Magic Eraser

Removing hair dye from skin

Now, let's move on to removing hair dye from skin. If you've ever used a Magic Eraser to clean anything, you know that those things are basically magic. And they work wonders when it comes to removing hair dye from skin! Simply wet the Magic Eraser and rub it over the stain - it should come right off.

Method 3: Use Rubbing Alcohol

Removing hair dye without bleach

If the baking soda and Magic Eraser methods don't work, try using rubbing alcohol. Apply the rubbing alcohol to a cotton ball or cloth and gently rub over the stain. The alcohol should break down the dye and make it easier to remove.

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin of Forehead, Neck & Hand?

Method 1: Use Olive Oil or Coconut Oil

Removing hair dye from fingers

Now, let's move on to removing hair dye from skin. If you've got dye on your forehead, neck, or hands, try using olive oil or coconut oil to remove it. Simply apply some oil to a cotton ball and gently rub over the stain. The oil should break down the dye and make it easier to remove.

Method 2: Try a Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Removing black color from hair

If the oil method doesn't work, try using a toothbrush and toothpaste. Wet the toothbrush and apply some toothpaste to the bristles. Gently rub the toothbrush over the stain, using circular motions. The toothpaste should help lift the dye off of your skin.

Method 3: Use a Makeup Remover Wipe

Removing hair dye without bleach

If you don't have any oil or toothpaste on hand, a makeup remover wipe can also do the trick. Gently rub the wipe over the stain until it's gone.

So there you have it, my funny peeps - a guide to removing hair dye stains from walls, skin, and fingers. Hopefully these methods work for you, but if not, there's always the option to embrace the colorful vibe and rock your new look with pride!

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