How To Cut Hair Men Clippers

How To Cut Hair Men Clippers - Grooming is an integral part of every gentleman's life. A well-maintained and well-groomed appearance is important to make a good impression in both professional and social settings. One of the most significant aspects of grooming is getting the right haircut. Haircuts can transform your whole look and make you feel confident and attractive. While getting a haircut from a professional barber is always a great experience, not everyone can afford it or find the time to go regularly. Hence, knowing how to cut your own hair can be useful in situations like these. If you're a man looking to get a crisp and neat haircut, using hair clippers would be the ideal option for you. In this article, we will guide you through the process of cutting hair with clippers and provide you with helpful tips and ideas to achieve the perfect haircut.

Cutting Hair with Clippers - 2020 Guide

Tip 1: Start with a Clean and Dry Hair

Before starting the process of cutting your hair, make sure it is clean and dry. Wash your hair and allow it to dry completely. Cutting hair when it's wet can lead to an uneven cut as hair tends to shrink as it dries. Also, damp hair can cause the clippers to slip, leading to an uneven cut.

Man using clippers to cut hair

Tip 2: Choose the Right Clippers

There are various types of hair clippers available in the market. Choose clippers that suit your hair texture and the type of cut you want to achieve. Look for clippers that are comfortable to hold and easy to use. Clippers with multiple attachments allow you to adjust the length of the cut as per your preference.

Man choosing clippers for hair cut

Tip 3: Prepare the Area

Cutting hair can create some mess. To avoid getting hair all over the place, spread a sheet or a towel on the floor. If you're cutting your hair in the bathroom, make sure to get rid of all the toiletries to prevent them from getting covered in hair.

Man preparing area for hair cut

How to Use Hair Clippers To Cut Men's Hair - Beginners Guide

Step 1: Choose the Right Length

Start by choosing the right length setting on the clippers. If you're going for a shorter cut, use a shorter clipper attachment, and if you're going for a longer cut, use a longer attachment. Remember, it's always easy to take off more hair later, so it's better to start with a longer setting.

Step 2: Start from the Back

Begin by cutting the back of your head, starting from the nape of your neck. Hold the clippers perpendicular to your scalp and move them in an upward motion towards the crown of the head. Repeat this step until you've cut all of the hair in the back.

Man cutting hair with clippers

Step 3: Move to the Sides

After cutting the hair at the back, move to the sides. Hold the clippers at a slight angle and move them in an upward motion, starting from the hairline and moving towards the crown. Do this for both sides until you've cut all of the hair in that area.

Step 4: Trim the Top

Next, use scissors to trim the hair on the top of the head. Cut small sections at a time, holding the hair between your fingers and cutting it to the length you desire. Use the clippers to blend the top with the rest of the hair, making sure there are no harsh lines.

Step 5: Clean Up the Neckline and Sideburns

Finally, clean up the neckline and sideburns. Use a razor or the clippers without any attachment to create a clean line at the back of your neck. For the sideburns, adjust the length of the clippers as necessary and trim them to the desired length.

Man cleaning up neck line and sideburns

Now that you know the step-by-step procedure, here are some additional tips and ideas to help you achieve the perfect haircut:

Tips, Ideas, and How To

Tip 1: Take Your Time

Rushing through the process can lead to an uneven cut. Take your time, start with a longer setting and work your way to the desired length gradually.

Tip 2: Use a Mirror

Using a mirror while cutting the hair will allow you to see the back of your head clearly, ensuring a neat and even cut.

Tip 3: Use Scissors for Finer Details

For finer details like trimming your bangs or blending the top with the sides, use scissors instead of the clippers.

Tip 4: Clean the Clippers

After every use, clean the clippers thoroughly to prevent any hair or oil accumulation. Clean clippers will perform better and last longer.

Idea 1: Experiment with Different Styles

Learning to cut your own hair gives you the freedom to experiment with different styles that you might not have tried before.

Idea 2: Get a Friend to Help

If you're finding it difficult to cut the hair at the back of your head, get a friend or family member to help you.

How To: Fade Your Hair

Fading your hair involves gradually cutting the hair shorter as you move down to the sides and back of the head. To achieve this, start by choosing a longer setting on the clippers and cut the hair at the top of the head. Use a shorter attachment as you move down to the sides and back, creating a gradient effect.

With these tips, ideas, and how-to guide, you can now confidently cut your own hair with clippers. Whether you're going for a neat and professional look or a trendy and edgy style, using clippers can help you achieve the perfect haircut. Happy grooming!

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